A Special Mommy Makeover

If yall haven’t noticed, I speak so much about my organization, Our Children’s Story which is a non-profit that helps families who care for special needs children and/or adults.  I really care deeply for the special needs community, mostly because I live this lifestyle. Yes, I call what I experience daily a  “lifestyle”. This is not your setup, it’s definitely a journey and a lifestyle that is only understood by those who walk the same path. The purpose of my organization is to build better villages so families can get the assistance they need. There is not enough help for families like mine. Other organizations are very cliquish and only cater to those they are close with.  This causes many many MANY families to be without help for their love ones.


A Special Mommy Makeover is an aspect of Our Children’s Story, where we gift makeover’s to mom’s who care for love ones with special needs. These makeovers are assisted by YBLimited which is Our Children’s Story preferred glam team. The purpose for the Special Mommy Makeover is to show women who give so much of themselves to care for their (dis)Abled love ones that they are still beautiful and deserving of love. I know first hand how it feels to let yourself go so that you can care for someone else. You do it out of love for your children, however, we forget that it’s ok to invest time back into yourself so that you can be a better caregiver.

Our Children’s Story and YBLimited has gifted 2 makeovers thus far and still 1 to go for the year 2017. The mom’s who had the chance to get the YBLimited experience walked away feeling loved. They walked away feeling refreshed and renewed and ready to re-enter their homes and give even more love to their extra special love ones.


Tonia Booth – was the 1st recipient of the “Special Mommy Makeover created by both OCS and YBL.  She has 3 children, her youngest, Javeon, is her extra special child. He has Cerebral Palsy, wheelchair bound and non-verbal. Since the makeover, she’s taken time to give back to herself. She has pictures of herself from the shoot on her wall in her home as a reminder to invest time into herself even when she feels like things aren’t going her way.


Kisha Smith – was the 2nd recipient of the “Special Mommy Makeover” created by both OCS and YBL. Kisha has 1 child, Tyree, who is wheelchair bound, non-verbal and has Cerebral Palsy. Kisha was shocked about the makeover, she had no idea that this makeover had been in the making for a few months. She cried and so did I (lolol) . It was long overdue and well deserved.


These makeovers are really special to me because I know exactly how these women feel.  It’s almost like a secret club that you are apart of and only we know the inside scoop on this life. We can be in the room together and not know each other personally, however, with one glance we know each other’s entire life story without it being spoken. There is a connection that this community feels when we are together. There is a genuine love for one another and a genuine level of concern when one of our own, even if we don’t them, experiences something tragic.


A “Special Mommy Makeover” will help build self-esteem and give back the beauty these women once knew.  Huge thanks to YBLimted for helping to make these makeover’s possible and doing their best to see what my eyes see on a daily basis. We are superheroes and the love I feel for each mom I encounter is beyond measure. I will always do my best to uplift and bring positivity to this community.


Much Love and Respect 

Libra J. Hicks

Founder/President of Our Children’s Story