Envy Ivy’s dream is popping up in ATL 8/5!

What happens when you have a passion for fashion and you want to share it with the world?

You create an online boutique of your favorite fashion pieces and call it Envy Ivy’s Kloset!

What happens when you want to create a situation for others to have a hands on experience with your pieces AND meet other vendors like you? You create a pop-up shop!

That’s exactly what Tonya Meadows, founder of Envy Ivy’s Kloset will be doing in Atlanta, GA this Saturday August 5, 2017!

You know I like to let you guys “eavesdrop” in my conversation with awesome people, so allow me to introduce you to Tonya and let you listen to why she is bringing her Pop-Up Shop to Atlanta, and all the deets you need to come by Saturday!