When Is It Our Turn?

Every time I speak on a college campus I have to tell the young women in the audience that currently women make $.79 for every dollar a man makes. African American women make $.69 and Hispanic women make $.54 and because of that they have to demand their value. March is Women’s History Month, but this is a conversation that needs to take place every month until changes are made. I want to share a couple of tips of how to move the needle on this subject.

Don’t be afraid

So many women leave money on the table because we are too afraid to ask for more. This could be at the interview for your first job or at your annual review at the job you have been at for

15 years! If you can bring value or have brought value to a company then you should ask for your value! Some women are afraid they will miss out on that new job or ruffle feathers, and that is where your finances come into play.

Get Your Money Right

Many women don’t ask for the money they deserved because they feel they will not get the job or they may be looked down upon by their boss. If the reason that you have not demanded your worth is because you need money then it is time to get your money right so that you are in a position where that company needs you, not you needing them. Pay off debt, build up your emergency fund so if they don’t want to pay you your money you can take your talent elsewhere!

Help the future

If you have a daughter, niece, cousin, granddaughter, friend pass these lessons to them. Show them how to research industry salaries before they go for an interview. Show them how to negotiate salaries. Show them how to create a brag book of accomplishments that will make sure their paycheck matches their contribution to their employer.

It is time to close the gap, but we have to look to ourselves first and then go for what belongs to us!