Dreams Reimagined

I am sure you are wondering why is a post about money talking about dreams?  Believe it or not dreams are what is needed to get over the hump when it comes to paying off debt and building wealth.  Think about the times that you have tried to pay off debt or tried to save money.  You may have been going strong for a while and then some emergency happened or a once in a lifetime vacation came up and you stopped everything!  Next thing you know your student loan debt has continued to grow, the down payment for your dream home never materialized, or maybe you don’t save enough for retirement and like nine million older Americans you have to work past 65.

Those dreams that you once had for your life all of a sudden become less clear and eventually fade away.  This post is to remind you that your dreams can be reimagined.  If you want start that new business then now is the time for that dream to be ignited.  Do you want to save enough money for your child to go to college?  Do you want to go on a two week trip overseas? Do you want all of those dreams that you once had to become reality?  Then it is time to get your money together and guess what your dreams are going to make that happen!

The night I was laid off from my job and found out I was $50,000 in debt was the night I started to reimagine my dreams.  I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote down short (6-12 months), intermediate (3-5 years), and long-term (10-15 years) dreams.  Those dreams stayed on my refrigerator until we paid off all the debt two years later!  The dreams actually motivated me to keep going.  They motivated me to spend less, save more, and most importantly get debt collectors out of my life!

If you have been trying to win with your money, believe me writing down your dreams will set you on the right path.  Dreams will excite you and give you the strength to keep going until you make every dream a reality.  So, there is only one question left to ask.  Are you ready to dream again?