ABI. Atlanta Wonder Woman private screening

Photo Credit:Warner Bros

It wasn’t Woman Crush Wednesday but I was having a Wonder Woman type day as I attended the ABI. Atlanta Wonder Woman private screening at AMC Phipps Plaza this past Thursday. There was a big Wonder Woman logo display next to the sign in table and  Wonder Girl was there signing people in.  Turner Broadcasting, Georgia Tech College of Computing, The Anita Borg Institute/ Atlanta, Georgia Tech Research Institute, and TechLatino were the sponsors for the screening  as well as attendees and  on the pre discussion panel speakers. They spoke on  how the industry has a lot of people starting production companies on their own to tell the stories they want to tell. They also spoke on women empowerment and did a raffle for a Wonder Woman book.

Photo Credit:Warner Bros

Wonder Woman embraces Women empowerment. It is directed by Patty Jenkins where it was discussed doing the panel that she turned down directing Thor to direct Wonder Woman. Gail Gadot stars as Diana. Diana was sculpted out of clay and grew up on the island Themysicara surrounded by immortal warrior women. Growing up around women Diana turns to books to learn about the world and  men. She is educated to believe that men exist but aren’t a key factor to the life of  a woman whether physically or emotionally.  Contrary to this belief Diana finds herself making a connection with Steve Trevor  a spy played by actor Chris Pine during their quest to end World War II. There are so many empowering messages but I rather not tell the whole movie. I rather you go see it. To my fellas  don’t think of it as a chick flick but as a great DC movie.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros