$20 will feature Harriet Tubman

Tubman is set to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

According to a POLITICO report, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will make the changes official in an announcement on Wednesday.


Last year, Tubman won a national poll conducted by a non-profit interested in getting a woman on the $20 Bill. More than 350,000 votes were cast online. Tubman, who helped hundreds of slaves escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad, was the clear favorite.

The New York Times reports Tubman will “replace the slaveholding Jackson on the center of a new $20 note.” POLITICO reports that Jackson is “likely” to remain on the back of the $20 bill.

Secretary Lew announced last year that he was weighing changes to America’s currency and initially aimed to replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. Critics largely panned the suggestion and Lew quickly changed his focus to the $20 Bill.

Originally posted on The Grio