Day of Serenity 2016

The perfect way to start off the year is get pampered, and the ladies and gentlemen of Atlanta, Ga experienced just that at the 2016 Day of Serenity!
The coordinators of the event were Alandrea Spruill, Owner of LaLeo’s Body Wellness Events and Cindee Sapoznik, Certified Life Coach, Founder of 2myPlace, a teen center. 

Participants were treated to the delicious and healthy cuisine of Chef Naomi of Graff Academy of Raw Food Education, Certified Raw Vegan Chef and sponsor of Day Of Serenity event and Jenny Zweifach (Certified Raw Vegan Chef,  Social media/Video Editor and sponsor of Day of Serenity).
The day was filled with not only awesome food, but wellness activities such as Tai Chi, Yoga, facials, intuitive readings and MASSAGES! (Yes, I love massages).
Special celebrity guest included R&B sensation B Angie B and Comedian Mz Wall St.

I was excited to hear that this will be an annual event, so I will be quickly reserving my spot when next years’ date is announced.

If you want to be apart of the 2017 Day of Serenity, please email